Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Posted by martinteller on July 20, 2004

Finally got around to watching the whole thing.  Spectacular and supremely entertaining (do I go overboard with the adverbs?  I gotta watch out for that).  Funny, tense, exciting, gripping.  What really amazes me about this movie is the way Leone uses the frame so masterfully.  I am so glad that I never saw a pan & scan version, it would take away all the magic.  I can’t even imagine how someone could watch this film in anything other than the original aspect ratio.

I don’t know why I was so averse to westerns.  I guess it’s because I assumed they’re all the same… a sure sign that someone is ignorant on the topic.  I can’t say I’ll be seeking out a lot more westerns, but I’ll give some others a chance.  Unfortunately, I have to dock GBU a point for all the dubbing.  I can’t let that slide.  I know it was unavoidable in this case, but it’s just too annoying.  Rating: 9


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