Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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Tian Xia Wu Zeri (A World Without Thieves)

Posted by martinteller on January 16, 2007

Entertaining tale of a Chinese grifting couple turning over a new leaf.  The film’s message of redemption is fairly shallow, much of the movie is predictable and the characters are rather stock.  But it’s fun to watch, with some funny scenes involving a cat-and-mouse game with a gang of rival thieves, and I really liked the ending which was pretty unorthodox for such an otherwise conventional film.  Andy Lau has a charming presence, even if he seems to be phoning it in a little.  Rene Liu is quite splendid.  But it’s Bingbing Li who nearly steals the show as one of the rivals.  Some of the obvious CG work is a distraction.  Rating: 7


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