Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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A Scene at the Sea

Posted by martinteller on February 20, 2009

Maybe I’m just getting crankier, but I think this is one of Kitano’s weakest films.  Yes, it has a tranquil poetry to it, mixed with very light comedy that makes it almost like a Tati film.  And yes, I cared for the main characters (is it me, or does Kuroudo Maki look like an Asian Rock Hudson?).  And yes, the ambiguously tragic ending is moving.  But man, a lot of it is really boring.  I understand that it’s about Shigeru’s self-discovery through surfing, but there is WAY too much surfing in this movie, and way too much sitting on the beach.  Not quite deep enough for a character study, not quite engaging enough for a meditative piece.  Hisaishi’s tinkly score gets annoying, too.  Kitano’s following film, Sonatine, is far better.  Rating: 6


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