Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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The Bells of St. Mary’s

Posted by martinteller on August 25, 2009

I can usually deal with wholesome movies.  Heck, It’s a Wonderful Life is one of my favorites.  But that movie is at least tinged with a bit of cynicism to balance out the sweetness.  This one is just brimming with wholesomeness, a perfect little world where everyone is nice and everything works out in the end.  It’s enough sugar-coated fluff to choke you to death.  And it’s not even entertaining fluff.  The characters are likeable, but it doesn’t matter much when the entire cast is so perfect and good-natured.  The situations are predictable and the songs are dull.  I admit the movie is feel-good, but it doesn’t work very hard to earn it.  Rating: 4


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