Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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The Secret of Kells

Posted by martinteller on February 16, 2011

A lovely art style that combines the sharp, simple geometry of Sita Sings the Blues with the semi-cubist sensibilities of The Thief and the Cobbler.  It pops off the screen with unique designs and gorgeous colors.  But I found the story a little on the dull side, and even with such a thin and simple plot it feels longer than its 70 minutes.  I never cared much about Irish culture or folklore in the first place, and themes of religious persecution didn’t resonate with me.  The character of Brendan really isn’t that well-developed and scenes that should have been exciting or scary or emotional seemed to just lay there.  Beautiful to behold, but left me empty.  Rating: 6


2 Responses to “The Secret of Kells”

  1. The story is definitely thin. I think I was simply enveloped by the gorgeous visuals though, willing to bask in those, rather than to worry about story too much. Your rating is probably fair though!

  2. It’s a great movie in screenshots!

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