Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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The Undercover Man

Posted by martinteller on June 19, 2011

The title is a misnomer… no one is “undercover” in this routine semi-procedural about a T-man trying to nail a mob boss for tax evasion.  Guffey’s cinematography provides some scattered delights, and there are one or two great moments in this tale of taking risks in the battle of good vs. evil, but for the most part it’s a by-the-numbers kind of flick.  By-the-numbers, but solid.  Although nothing from Glenn Ford’s performance to the music to the plotting stands out, none of it really falters either.  Just one of those movies that is what it is, which isn’t meant to be a slam.  If it’s not as memorable as Gun Crazy or The Big Combo, it still works.  Rating: 7


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