Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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The Phantom of the Opera

Posted by martinteller on July 27, 2011

I always have to be careful evaluating silents.  I don’t want to fall into the trap of overrating something because it’s “good for its time” but I also don’t want to overcompensate for that just to prove a point.  I just try to be honest, and really I didn’t think this was very good at all, no matter what time it’s from.  This is my first experience with this story, and although I loathe Andrew Lloyd Webber, I have to imagine that even his version is more nuanced than this.  Barebones storytelling with zero intriguing developments and drearily dull characters.  I couldn’t give a damn what happened to Christine (whose reaction to the phantom is no more sophisticated than “eww gross”) or her generic lover.  Even Lon Chaney is just a boring bogeyman with a cool makeup job.  There are a few striking images and a handful of funhouse tricks at the climax, but nothing terribly exciting.  Yawn.  Rating: Poor


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