Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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High Heels

Posted by martinteller on September 23, 2011

A very enjoyable, intricate tale that elevates its somewhat mundane plot by turning things in a new direction whenever it starts to get stale.  It’s got a lot of the usual Almodovar stamps: high melodrama mixed with black comedy, insane coincidences, twisted relationships and of course dazzling use of color.  Early on the theme of mother-daughter rivalry reminded me of Autumn Sonata, so I was quite tickled to hear the relationship being directly compared to that film later on.  The movie doesn’t have the magic of Almodovar’s best works, perhaps because the performances as a whole aren’t that impressive.  However, even second-tier Almodovar is better than most stuff out there… it’s got some really good laughs and an engaging series of twists and reversals.  The out-of-nowhere prison dance scene is delightfully offbeat (although I felt like Almodovar was actually holding back a bit).  Rating: Very Good


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