Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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Pulp Fiction (rewatch)

Posted by martinteller on October 15, 2011

This is only my third time watching PF all the way through, but I already feel like I’ve got it memorized.  I don’t think any film since Star Wars has so thoroughly penetrated pop culture.  For that reason alone, it deserves accolades.  But although my appreciation for it increased on the second viewing, this time I was slightly less thrilled.  The dialogue is fantastic, Samuel L. Jackson is at his finest, the construction is clever and it’s still pretty damn entertaining.  But among the little things that bothered me (QT’s casting of himself, the Maria de Medeiros character, again the unsettlingly flippant use of the n-word) was the old feeling of “this is great, but it isn’t that great.”  Maybe it’s just over-familiarity with the material, or maybe nothing could have stacked up to the Malick I watched before it, but I just wasn’t as jazzed to be watching it as I thought I would be.  I enjoyed the scenes as they unfolded, but I didn’t find myself looking forward to them.  Not sure if this will stay in the collection or not, perhaps I just need to sit on it for a few years and come back.  Rating: Very Good


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