Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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Chop Shop

Posted by martinteller on January 3, 2012

A slight step up from Man Push Cart, Bahrani’s previous film, and touching on very similar subject matter.  Ale and Isamar struggle to barely maintain a living in a situation where innocence is a luxury they can’t afford.  The film never resorts to operatic melodrama or grand tragedies to earn easy sympathy, the sympathy comes from the bare humanity of the characters, portrayed very nicely by the two young stars.  It’s a neo-realist (or neo-neo-realist, if you prefer) glimpse into their lives where the largest dramatic arc is the attempt to purchase and renovate a decrepit food truck (again, shades of the earlier movie).  Ale’s efforts to provide for and protect his sister are endearing, but also depressing as you realize he has to be his own parental role model.  While I liked Goodbye Solo more, this is a fine piece of work.  Rating: Very Good


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