Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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Posted by martinteller on April 13, 2012


This is gonna be a quickie review.  I don’t have much to say about the movie, or about baseball.  I think the sport is really boring, although somehow it seems to result in highly watchable movies.  I guess because all the dull waiting around is cut out.  After Vanya I wanted something really easy to swallow, and this hit the spot.  The time flew by, there’s a good ebb and flow to the pacing.  Sorkin’s script has a little sizzle to it, some fine patter going on.  Brad Pitt is just always fun to watch, and his affable personality here makes him a character you can get behind.  Jonah Hill does a nice turn, too.  While I wouldn’t say it defies Hollywood formula moviemaking, there are a few surprises.  Well, one or two, anyway.  It’s not the most enlightening film in the world, but it is fairly interesting to get some insight into the behind-the-scenes machinations of putting together a baseball team, and the “adapt or die” mentality at work.

All in all, I probably wouldn’t watch it again and I doubt it will linger with me more than an hour, but it was exactly the sort of enjoyable entertainment that I was looking for at the moment.  Rating: Good


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