Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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Posted by martinteller on May 12, 2012

Very engaging mystery that gradually turns into something more than that.  As the film evolves, the issue of guilt or innocence becomes less important than the way the characters perceive it, and what they do with their perceptions.  There’s enough ambiguity about the actual facts to leave something to debate, but not so much that it feels like the truth is irrelevant.  It is relevant, in significant ways, but it’s also relevant to consider its implications, its effects on how we conduct ourselves with others, the moral choices we make.  Elegantly thought-provoking stuff, a film with some lovely and surprising nuances.  It also features some appreciated restraint from overpoliticizing its sensitive subject matter.

Although a cinematic adaptation of a play, the movie features excellent cinematography by Roger Deakins, and nice touches like the repeated wind motif.  Of the central performances (the supporting roles are too small to have any noteworthy impact), Streep, Hoffmann and Davis do not disappoint.  One generally expects fine work from Meryl and PSH, here they imbue their characters with depth via subtle (not too subtle) gestures and expressions, challenging the viewer’s perceptions of their rightness or wrongness.  I am less familiar with the work of Viola Davis, but her brief appearance leaves a strong impression, with some dialogue that seems like it would be difficult to deliver convincingly.  As for Amy Adams, well… she’s passable, and that’s being kind.  Maybe I just don’t like her, but I’ve yet to be impressed by her.  Junebug, The Fighter, Julie & Julia… all blah performances.  She doesn’t have that whatever it is that makes an actress compelling to me, no fire in her, no wisdom or charm or grace.

Outside of Adams, however, it’s a quite intriguing and rewarding film.  Rating: Very Good


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