Martin Teller's Movie Reviews

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What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

Posted by martinteller on September 23, 2008

This was magnificent.  The only reason I’m not giving it a perfect score is because some of the plot points are a little hard to swallow (really, Blanche, you could try the note thing AGAIN).  But it hardly matters when the film is so much campy fun.  Bette Davis is riveting and explosive and hilarious, I haven’t laughed so much at a movie in quite a while.  There’s a wonderful mix of creepy psychological horror and wry black comedy, a clear influence on David Lynch.  iMDB says the film is referenced in Mulholland Drive.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen that picture to recall, but I definitely spotted a couple of specific elements that popped up in Eraserhead.  The lighting is fantastic as well, kind of New Wave Gothic.  I’m adding this one to my collection.  Rating: 9


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